Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day in the Life

I created a new series called "A Day in the Life" photographing your life. It's a combination of candids, life and just being how you are. A few posed moments for the sake of it. But the beauty of it really transforms especially after the kids have gotten used to me being there and the newness  wears off a little. Each family and story is different at different times in our lives. The images below are a few that I wanted to share. The impact of it all REALLY comes shortly after and realities have changed. For example: this one is the day in the life of a newborn brought home. The busy-ness, the newness, the joys, stresses, the beauty of it all that is so jam packed in the beginning that feels like forever ago and just yesterday, especially for being a mom to a brand new addition.

Why? I like to get everyday moments because they are special too. When we look back the memories are appreciated. 

Below: He a busy body spending his energy doing the fun things with his toys. A new sister being loved, fed, burped and the occasional open eyes. Brings....... their day.

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