Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jake & Mandee's Wedding Part 2

Let me tell you decorating a location for your wedding can really make a gorgeous difference. I also think you should ALWAYS make it your own by doing what you want, if you can.

Rose petals trickled down the aisle while the candlelight burned as the music sweetly filled the room. Friends and family gathered around to watch and listen. The daylight spilled in and the effects were worth a thousand words.  See below:

Can you say gorgeous!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jake & Mandee's Wedding

A beautiful 60 degree sunny day. The bride arrived early to get ready along with some of her brides maids. The bridal room was simple and stunning. Mattie (the other photographer) and I enjoyed taking pictures of all the preparations going on. Here is a sampling of a wonderful moment on the gorgeous day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gardner Village Photo Session Part 3

Yes, more of my favorites from this session. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gardner Village Photo Session Part 2

More of my faves of this particular session. I hope they all enjoy these pictures as much as I do :)

still so many more favorites to add. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gardner Village Photo Session

I got a little nervous. Why?! Because I was excited to photograph this family. The timing was 4pm, lots of sun, little shade. Let's face it. Who wants squinty eyes for their pictures?! No one! We found some fun spots and the fun, excitment and dynamic of this family was fantastic. I really could have taken their pictures all day. There are LOTS of MY favorites. I will share a little bit at a time. :)

keep checking back more favorites on the way! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011


Yes, we all know the craze between Bella & Edward. Sorry, this Bella is fair, blonde, 9 year old. She is full of Nickelodeon tunes and singing up a storm for her number one fan.... the tiniest of them all.... her sister, Juliette :)

So, here is the spotlight she's been so patiently waiting for...........

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

By Invitation Only, SLC UT - April Cucina Nassi

The sunshine was a welcome change from the constant wacky weather. The place: Cucina Nassi. Elegant, renovated from what used to be the Sugarhouse Post Office. What amazing architecture, elegance and inviting place to be.

The speaker Reon Schutte for the The Power of Choice Foundation was thought provoking and he provided details that only someone first hand could give. His words are inspiring and a reminder of how good life is!

Thanks to Justin Kinnaird for providing the experience we were able to enjoy.

For MORE PHOTOS go to (in Client Proofing)
