Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hey! Haven't been on here in awhile. I am here to do some updates. A little on me: my son started his first year of kindergarten and enjoying more time with my baby. I have been busy in a number of fashions a couple of funerals, a birth, photographing various events and enjoying my new routine for awhile (pictures will be shown soon). I am grateful to ALL of you who look here for your pictures or those who stop by to check this place out. I try to stay constant but sometimes it ends up being in spurts. I like sharing all the fun I get invited to be in - in the course of your lives. So, Thanks! :)

Because everything is better with a photograph, here you go!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Michelle's Maternity of Naomi

With a mixture of fun and combined ideas we produced some great images. Here are some of the delights:

                          Thanks for letting me take your pictures! :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Brooke & Courtney: Cousin's Baptism

A beautiful and very hot Saturday but nothing could beam brighter than 2 happy girls greeting family & friends on a great occasion such as this. Friendly and excited they were willing to pose and give attention and gave thanks for those in attendance. Thanks girls for letting me be apart of your day!

Here is a sample of images found from the website

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A hot day with a cultural experience awaiting. A quinceanera! Here are a few of my favorite moments of the night....... that left me wanting a party of my own :). Food, friends and a program filled with special endearing moments and dancing. What fun!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Tehya so full of expression no wonder mom wanted pictures! Her smile is soo contagious you can't help but smile with her. With giggles and fun here are a few I wanted to share.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Johnson Family

What a gorgeous afternoon! Sunny, blue sky and of course delicious landscaping that feels unending in a sea for the senses. 3 beaming kids full of curiosity, wonder and some mischief ;) made for delightful fun in taking photos of this fun family!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Simple Juliette

Loves playtime! Full of expression and totally involved. Just like any 2 yr old she has her own agenda and here it is :)

More to come .......

Friday, March 2, 2012

Just Boys

With the attention of a 4 yr old you have to act fast if you want cooperation. So, we did and this is some of the outcome. Cuteness! Thanks Boys :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have not abandoned my blog. I had a baby and just before having him I had lots to take care of. That means this blog was left alone for awhile. I thought I would tell you. My holidays were filled with fun and will be posted at a later time. I hope you all had experiences that were memorable as well. I am looking forward to this year with a new perspective and gratitude for getting the chance to do what I do.

Thank you to all who keep tuning in to see or read what I post here.
